Saturday, August 19, 2023

Google Chrome to Enforce HTTPS by Default

Google Chrome to Enforce HTTPS by Default

Google is taking steps to make the web more secure by enforcing HTTPS by default in Chrome. This means that all websites will be loaded over HTTPS, which encrypts the data transferred between the user's browser and the website. HTTPS is the more secure protocol, and it is becoming increasingly common as more and more websites adopt it.

Google has been gradually moving towards enforcing HTTPS by default in Chrome. In September 2021, the company introduced an experimental feature called HTTPS-First mode, which automatically redirects users to the HTTPS version of a website whenever possible. This feature is currently enabled by default for users of the Advanced Protection Program, but Google plans to make it available to all users in the future.

In addition to HTTPS-First mode, Google is also working on other ways to make Chrome more secure. For example, the company is experimenting with a new security feature called "Origin Trials". This feature would allow websites to run experimental security features that are not yet available in the main Chrome release.

Google's efforts to make Chrome more secure are a welcome development. HTTPS is a critical security measure, and it is important that all websites use it. By enforcing HTTPS by default, Google is taking a step towards making the web a safer place.

Here are some of the benefits of enforcing HTTPS by default in Chrome:

  • Increased security: HTTPS encrypts the data transferred between the user's browser and the website, making it more difficult for attackers to intercept and steal that data.
  • Improved privacy: HTTPS prevents third-parties from tracking your browsing activity.
  • Faster page loading times: HTTPS can sometimes improve page loading times, as the browser does not need to establish a separate connection for the secure version of the website.

Google's decision to enforce HTTPS by default is a positive step towards making the web a safer and more secure place. I encourage all website owners to adopt HTTPS and make their websites more secure.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The End of SIM Cards: A New eSIM Guide for Android Users in 2023

The End of SIM Cards: A New eSIM Guide for Android Users in 2023

The SIM card has been a staple of mobile phones for decades, but its days may be numbered. eSIMs, or embedded SIMs, are a new technology that is quickly gaining popularity. eSIMs are digital SIM cards that are embedded in the phone's hardware, eliminating the need for a physical SIM card slot.

There are several advantages to using an eSIM. First, it is more convenient. You can activate an eSIM online or in the carrier's app, without having to wait for a physical SIM card to be shipped to you. Second, eSIMs are more secure. They are less likely to be lost or damaged than physical SIM cards. Third, eSIMs can help to reduce environmental waste.

Not all Android phones are eSIM-compatible, but many of the latest models are. To find out if your phone is eSIM-compatible, check the manufacturer's website or contact your carrier.

If your phone is eSIM-compatible, you can activate an eSIM by following these steps:

  1. Go to your phone's settings menu.
  2. Tap on "Network & internet."
  3. Tap on "SIM cards & mobile networks."
  4. Tap on "Add mobile network."
  5. Tap on "eSIM."
  6. Scan the QR code provided by your carrier.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate the eSIM.

Once your eSIM is activated, you can start using it to make calls, send text messages, and use data. You can also have multiple eSIMs on your phone, so you can switch between different carriers or plans.

eSIMs are the future of mobile connectivity. They are more convenient, secure, and environmentally friendly than physical SIM cards. If you are looking for a new phone, be sure to choose one that is eSIM-compatible.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about eSIMs:

  • Not all carriers support eSIMs yet. If you are planning to switch carriers, be sure to check if they offer eSIMs.
  • Some eSIMs may require you to have a compatible phone plan. Be sure to check with your carrier for details.
  • eSIMs can be a bit more difficult to set up than physical SIM cards. If you are not comfortable with technology, you may want to ask a friend or family member for help.

Overall, eSIMs are a great option for those who are looking for a more convenient, secure, and environmentally friendly way to connect to the internet. If you are considering buying a new phone, be sure to choose one that is eSIM-compatible.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

How to Speed Up Your Android Phone's Internet Connection

How to Speed Up Your Android Phone's Internet Connection

A slow internet connection can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to do something important like streaming a video or downloading a file. Here are a few tips to help you speed up your Android phone's internet connection:

  1. Reset your network settings. This will clear any corrupted or outdated network data that may be causing the problem. To do this, open the Settings app, tap on System, then tap on Reset options. Finally, tap on Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. Clear the cache and data of your web browser. When you browse the web, your browser stores data such as images, cookies, and cached files to speed up loading times. However, this data can also take up space and slow down your internet connection. To clear the cache and data of your web browser, open the browser, tap on the three dots in the top right corner, and select Settings. Then, tap on Privacy & security and select Clear cache and Clear data.
  3. Move closer to your router. The closer you are to your router, the stronger the signal will be, which will improve your internet speed. If you can, try moving your phone closer to the router.
  4. Use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi. If possible, connect your phone to your router using an Ethernet cable. This will provide a more stable and faster connection than Wi-Fi.
  5. Upgrade your internet plan. If you're still having trouble with your internet speed, you may need to upgrade your internet plan. Talk to your internet service provider to see what options are available.

In addition to these tips, there are a few other things you can do to improve your Android phone's internet connection:

  • Make sure your phone is up to date with the latest software.
  • Close any unnecessary apps and programs that are running in the background.
  • Disable any features that you're not using, such as Bluetooth and location services.
  • Scan your phone for viruses and malware.

By following these tips, you can improve your Android phone's internet connection and get the most out of your online experience.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

জমির পরিমাণ সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত

জমির পরিমাণ সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত

কত কাঠায় কত বিঘা? ১ কাঠায় কত বর্গফুট? ১ বিঘায় কত শতাংশ? ১ একর মানে কী? এরকম আরো প্রশ্নের উত্তর নিয়ে আজকের এই আর্টিকেলটি সাজানো হয়েছে। 

১ কাঠা = ৭২০ বর্গফুট = ৮০ বর্গগজ

১ কাঠা = ৬৬.৮৯ বর্গমিটার

১ কাঠা = ১.৬৫ শতাংশ

১ কাঠা = ১৬ ছটাক

১ কাঠা = ৩২০ বর্গহাত

২০ কাঠা = ১ বিঘা

৬০ কাঠা = ১ একর

১৪৮২০ কাঠা = ১ বর্গকিলোমিটার

১৪৮.২ কাঠা = ১ হেক্টর

কানি পরিমাপক

১ কানি = ১৭২৮০ বর্গফুট = ১৬১৯ বর্গমিটার = ৪০০০০ বর্গলিংক = ৮০ করা

১ কানি = ৭৬৮০ বর্গহাত = ১৯৩৬ বর্গগজ = ১২০ শতাংশ

১ কানি = ২০ গন্ডা = ৪০ শতাংশ

১ কানি = ২০ গন্ডা = ৪০০০০ বর্গলিংক

১ কানি = ২৪ কাঠা

বিঘা পরিমাপক

১ বিঘা = ৩৩ শতাংশ = ১ পাকি

১ বিঘা = ২০ কাঠা

১ বিঘা = ৬৪০০ বর্গহাত

১ বিঘা = ৩৩০০০ বর্গলিংক

১ বিঘা = ১৬০০ বর্গগজ

১ বিঘা = ১৪৪০০ বর্গফুট = ১৩৩৮ বর্গ মিটার

১ বিঘা = ১৬ গন্ডা ২ করা ২ ক্রান্তি

৩ বিঘা = ১ একর (মোটামুটি) = ১৬০০ বর্গইয়ার্ড

৭৪১ বিঘা = ১৪৮২০ কাঠা = ১০৬৭০৪০০ বর্গফুট = ৯৯১৬৭২ বর্গমিটার = ১ বর্গকিলোমিটার =


৭.৪১বিঘা = ১৪৮.২কাঠা = ১০৬৭০৪ বর্গফুট = ৯৯১৩ বর্গমিটার = ১ হেক্টর = ২.৪৭ একর

জেনে নিন

খতিয়ান, পর্চা, চিটা, দখলনামা, বয়নামা, জমাবন্দি, দাখিলা, হুকুমনামা, জমা খারিজ, মৌজা কি?

পাকি পরিমাপক

১ পাকি = ১ বিঘা = ৩৩ শতাংশ

১ পাকি = ২০ কাঠা = ৩৩ শতাংশ

শতাংশ নির্ণয়ের সুত্র

১.৬৫ শতাংশ = ১ কাঠা = ১৬৫ অযুতাংশ = ৭২০ বর্গফুট (মোটামুটি)

১ শতাংশ = ১ শতক = ৪৩৫.৬ বর্গফুট (মোটামুটি)

১ শতাংশ = ১০০ অযুতাংশ = ১০০০ বর্গলিংক

৩৩ শতাংশ = ১ পাকি = ১ বিঘা = ২০ কাঠা

১ শতাংশ = ১৯৩.৬ বর্গহাত

২৪৭.১০৫ শতাংশ = ১ আয়ের

একর পরিমাপক

১ একর = ১০ বর্গচেইন = (৬৬*৬৬০) = ৪৩৫৬০ বর্গফুট

১ একর = ১০০ শতক = ৪৩৫৬৯ বর্গফুট

১ একর = ১০০ শতক = ১০০০০০ বর্গলিংক

১ একর = ১৯৩৬০ বর্গহাত

১ একর = ৪৮৪০ বর্গগজ

১ একর = ৪০৪৭ বর্গ মিটার = ০.৬৮০ হেক্টর

৬৪০ একর = ১ বর্গমাইল

১ একর = ৩ বিঘা ৮ ছটাক

১ একর = ৬০.৫ কাঠা

১ একর = ২ কানি ১০ গন্ডা ( ৪০ শতক কানি অনুসারে)

২৪৭ একর = ১ বর্গকিলোমিটার

হেক্টর পরিমাপক

১ হেক্টর = ২.৪৭ একর

১ হেক্টর = ৭.৪১ বিঘা

১ হেক্টর = ১৪৮.২ কাঠা

১ হেক্টর = ১০৬৭০৪ বর্গফুট

১ হেক্টর = ১০০০০ বর্গমিটার = ৯৯১৩ বর্গমিটার

১ হেক্টর = ১১৯৬০ বর্গগজ

১ হেক্টর = ১.৪৭ একর

১ আয়ের = ২৮.৯ বিঘা

১ হেক্টর = ২৪৭.১০৫ শতক

১ হেক্টর = ৪৭৮৯.৫২৮ বর্গহাত

১ হেক্টর = ১০৭৬৩৯ বর্গফুট

১ হেক্টর = ১১৯৫৯.৮৮২ বর্গগজ

১ হেক্টর = ৭.৪৭৪ বিঘা

১ হেক্টর = ১০০ আয়ের গন্ডা পরিমাপক ১ গন

জমির পরিমাণ সম্পর্কে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিভিন্ন ধারনা

Twitter Throttling Links to Facebook, Threads, and More

Twitter Throttling Links to Facebook, Threads, and More

Twitter has reportedly begun throttling traffic to a number of websites and competing social networks. The company is using its long-standing link shortener to slow down links to Instagram, Facebook, Threads, Substack, the New York Times, and more.

The common theme among all of the affected websites and services is that they are ones for which Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO and potential future owner of Twitter, has a strong and vocal disdain. Musk has been critical of Twitter's moderation policies, which he believes are too restrictive. He has also expressed support for platforms that allow for more free speech, such as Substack and Minds.

The throttling of links to these websites is likely seen by Musk as a way to reduce the visibility of his critics and competitors. It is also a way to discourage users from sharing links to these websites on Twitter.

The throttling is not immediately obvious to users. When you click on a link to one of the affected websites, there is a noticeable five-second delay before the actual website's URL starts to load. This delay is caused by Twitter's link shortener, which is used to process all links posted to Twitter.

It is unclear how long Twitter will continue to throttle links to these websites. The company has not yet commented on the matter.

In the meantime, users who want to share links to these websites on Twitter can do so by copying and pasting the full URL into their tweets. This will bypass the link shortener and prevent the throttling from taking effect.

Here are some additional steps that users can take to link a Twitter thread to Facebook:

  1. Find the tweet that you want to share.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the tweet.
  3. Select "Copy Link to Tweet."
  4. Paste the copied link into a new Facebook post.
  5. Click on "Post."

This will create a new Facebook post that includes the Twitter thread. The post will also include a link that will allow users to view the Twitter thread on Twitter.

It is important to note that Twitter may still throttle the traffic to the Twitter thread on Facebook. However, this will not prevent users from viewing the thread.